Academics, College Counseling & Educational SUCCESS Services

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Just like college transcripts, no two resumes will have the exact same look and feel.  When it comes to crafting the "perfect" college admissions resume, there is no one right way. With this in mind, here is a short list of things to consider when creating and formatting your resume:

1. Make it easy to read!

  • Group your endeavors into recognizable categories such as "Academic Achievements," "Leadership and Government," "Scholastic Achievements, Awards, and Honors," "Athletics," "Community Service and Volunteerism," etc.
  • Use bold type and bullet points as opposed to writing lengthy, descriptive paragraphs.

2. Be specific!

  • As opposed to listing "Relay for Life" under the heading "Community Service," specify that you raised funds, walked as part of a team, captained a team, volunteered to assist with set-up or registration, etc.
  • When referencing something that is unique to your school or community, be sure to include a succinct description of that club, organization, event or position/title.
  • Identify the grades in which you participated in each activity.
  • Optionally, you may want to include the number of hours you dedicated to your endeavors.

3. Sell yourself!

  • Highlight the activities that set you apart, are most important to you, best demonstrate your successes.
  • List the activities that you were most dedicated to, passionate about, and that you invested the most time to, first
  • Your resume should show off your strengths in order of most important to least important.

4. Show it off!

  • Bring it with you when you interview with an admissions counselor.
  • Include it with your Common App submission.